Nearest town: Between Hiouchi and Patricks Point, CA Region: Northern Redwood Country Park websites:
Jedediah Smith Redwood State Park, link here (CA state park website): The thing that sets Jed Smith apart from all of the other parks is the beautiful Smith River; its unusual blue-green color lends beauty to the lands surrounding it. There are a number of outstanding groves at Jed Smith.
Del Norte Coast Redwood State Park, link here (CA state park website): The thing that makes Del Norte Coast stand out from the other redwood parks is its easy access to the Pacific Coast.
Prairie Creek Redwood State Park, link here (CA state park website): This is a fantastic state park that features some of the world's best old-growth redwoods, a herd of Roosevelt elk, a sunny meadow, and the gorgeous Fern Canyon.
Redwood National Park, link here (NPS website): The three state parks above pre-date the formation of the national park. When National Geographic scientists discovered in Tall Trees Grove the tallest tree in the world known at the time, the federal government began to buy up interstitial land between the existing state parks and declared the area a national park in order to protect the land for the future. There is now, confusingly, a campus called Redwood National Park in that interstitial land, but the four parks lumped together are also called Redwood National and State Parks. The 379-foot Hyperion Tree, currently the tallest known tree in the world, is in the Redwood Creek basin located on the federally owned lands of Redwood National Park. Its exact location has to be kept a secret because even slight root damage from visitors would likely result in its top dying off.
Best time of year to visit: Year round; although be prepared for cold, damp weather Features of the park: The redwoods Fees: Fee areas depend on where you are going. Check the websites above before you go. Because of the interagency cooperation, these three state parks will accept National Park Passes.