Last Saturday was a particularly mild January day, so I went out to a park that I've long wanted to visit: Ohlone Regional Park. Part of the appeal of this park is that it is so remote. Here is a blurb from the EBRPD website:
You have to hike or ride horseback to see this magnificent 9,737-acre parkland, accessible only by way of the Ohlone Wilderness Trail. Its centerpiece is 3,817-foot Rose Peak, just 32 feet lower than Mount Diablo. Surrounding Rose Peak are grassy ridges, profusely flowered in season. The abundance of wildlife includes golden eagles, mountain lions, and tule elk. Murrietta Falls, the tallest waterfall in the Bay Area can be found at this park, but the hike to get there is a real butt-kicker, and the waterfall is only seasonal--there is no guarantee that you will actually see it once you've gone all the way out there. On my hike on Saturday, I only went about halfway to Murrietta falls, to the scenic Williams Gulch. It was such a pleasure!
This post is another from our family trip to Louisiana over Christmas. We flew into New Orleans and stayed a few days to let our daughter explore some of the city. One of the biggest hits: the Audubon Zoo!
One of the nicest open space parks in my current hometown of Livermore is Del Valle Regional Park. I seriously love this park, and have been here now during every season. It's such a large park; however, that I am always discovering something new.
This trip, I decided to explore the easternmost side of the park, the Cedar Creek area along the park boundary. I really liked seeing the bright red pop of color of the bark of the incense cedars as I was hiking along! The parts of the park I had previously visited did not have cedars (mostly oaks), so it was really cool to see that difference. This is a throwback post to a hike that I did about 7 years ago, at a state park in my home state of Louisiana: Lake Fausse Pointe State Park.
This was another return visit to a favorite spot in my home state of Louisiana over this past Christmas break: Avery Island. I have been here many times before, but this was my first time to visit the newly revamped tour of the Tabasco Factory. Click "read more" to see photos from our trip over the Christmas break.
Today I took a vacation day from work to take advantage of something that doesn't happen all that often: snow in the East Bay! I had planned originally to go back to Calaveras Big Trees State Park, like I did last January; however, when I was driving my daughter to her school I could see that the summit of Mount Diablo was covered with snow. I love Mount Diablo, but until today I had never visited it with snow. It was wonderful!
The Acadiana Park Nature Station (in my hometown of Lafayette, Louisiana) is a little gem. When we were visiting my folks over the holidays, we took my cranky daughter there. She wasn't in much mood for a hike, so our trip was a short one, but it was very beautiful. I look forward to going back with her when she is a little older!
December 2020